Holy Name Society Meeting – Next Sunday, December 15th

There will be a special meeting of the Holy Name Society after Mass next Sunday, December 15th for existing members, as well as all men interested in joining this Confraternity.  The Society is a universal organized body of men who strive heart and soul to make Jesus the Man-God better known and better loved.  To maintain and increase man’s faith in the divinity of the Savior is the chief object of the Society; to promote respect and honor for His…

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12 Days of Christmas

Gift a friend, family member, or a family 12 Mases that will be said by Father Reid from Christmas to Epiphany (12/25 – 1/6).  The cost of each card (for one person or a family) is a donation, which will go to Father Reid.  The suggested donation is $5 per card. Look for the “12 Days of Christmas” table under the Pavilion after Mass today, December 15th, and briefly on December 22.

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Banns of Marriage

Banns of Marriage are announced for the first time for Daniel Mark Frazier, formerly of Huntsville, Texas, and Olivia Yolanda Armesto of St. Marys, Kansas, to be married at The Immaculata in St. Marys, Kansas.  Anyone knowing of any impediments to this union is obliged to notify Father Reid.

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First Friday Potluck

After Mass on First Friday, December 6th there will be a potluck dinner.  Please plan to stay and bring a meatless dish to share.

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Blessing Christmas Wreaths

Live wreaths will be blessed on the first Saturday of December (December 7th).  Please put them on the back table with the other items to be blessed.

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Mass Intentions

For those who wish to have Masses said, please:1-Pick up a Mass Intention envelope from the back table in the sanctuary, complete as shown in theexample below, and place stipend in the envelope, OR2- Indicate clearly on a piece of paper their name, the intention of the Mass to be said (including, ifapplicable, the name of any person(s) for whom the intention is associated) and to put thisinformation and the stipend in an envelope for Father. Also, please indicate whether…

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Catechism Class

Adult catechism classes will be offered after Sunday Mass every week unless otherwise announced. These classes will not be recorded and you are encouraged to stay. They will take place after Mass in the community room.

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