Pierre Tailhades, a parishioner of Saint Nicholas du Chardonnet, France, needs to work abroad for 3 months (May, June, and July) as part of his studies. He is a student of electronic engineering but will do any job (from waiter to lumberjack to secretary). If you might have an opportunity for him, please contact him
No Mass next Saturday, February 15th.
There will be a pancake breakfast on February 2nd after Mass. We hope everyone will be able to join.
There will be a poker event on Saturday, February 8th at 5pm. The grill will be out if you want to bring something to cook on it. Buy-in is $20. All are welcome to join.
First Communion candidates will be tested by Father Reid on Saturday, March 1st after Holy Hour. First Confessions will be heard on Saturday, April 5th from 9:45 – 10:45am (during Holy Hour). Candidates will make their First Communion on Sunday, May 4th. A photocopy of the First Communion candidate’s baptismal certificate should be given to
Reminder that candles left in the labeled container in the back of the chapel before Mass on Saturday, February 1st will be blessed on Sunday, February 2nd (Candelmas), the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. You will be able to pick them up from the same container after Mass on February 2nd.
The Novena to The Holy Face of Jesus starts on February 23rd. Here is the link to each day’s prayers: http://tradbooks.com/novenas/Holy_Face.htm