Confirmation registration deadline is March 31, 2024
Confirmation dates and Locations: Thursday, May 30, at 6:00 pm at Queen of Angels in Dickinson and Saturday, June 1st (in the morning) at St. Joseph’s Church in Saint Antonio. Registration forms are on the table at the back. A form should be completed for each person to be confirmed and given to Fr. Reid’s secretary, Mrs. Erpenbeck, by March 31, 2024, with all the following:
-Copy of First Communion certificate.
– $5.00 registration fee (will go towards travel expenses of the Bishop).
Please also indicate on the form whether you plan to attend in Dickinson or San Antonio.
All applicants will be required to pass a written test that will be given on Sunday, April 14. If you have any questions or need a form Mrs. Erpenbeck can be reached at (346).336.2444 or